FAQ - Projekt Doradztwa Energetycznego

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Projekt „Ogólnopolski system wsparcia doradczego dla sektora publicznego, mieszkaniowego oraz przedsiębiorstw w zakresie efektywności energetycznej oraz OZE” to projekt realizowany przez Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (NFOŚiGW) oraz Partnerów w 16 regionach na terenie całego kraju.


{slider title="What is a consultancy project and how does it work?" open="false"}

The project entitled „National consultancy support system for the public sector, the residential sector and enterprises in the scope of energy efficiency and RES” is executed within the scope of measure 1.3.3 of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment [OPI&E) 2014-2020. The Leading Project Partner is The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management [Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej, NFOŚiGW], acting in cooperatin with 16 Partners, i.e. Voivodeship Funds Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The Project operates throughout the country, through a network of professional energy advisers.

{slider What are the Project’s goals?}

The main goal of the Project is: Support of projects contributing o the execution of the UE 20/20/20 energy & climate package, and the liabilities of the Polish state.
Three detailed objectives have also been defined:
Increase of social awareness in terms of development of low-emission economy;
Support for municipalities in the preparation and implementation of Low-Emission Economy Plans;
Support in the preparation and implementation of investments in energy efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources.

{slider Who is an energy adviser?}

An energy adviser is an employee of the Leading Partner or Partners, operating within the scope of the Project. The Project comprises approximately 74 advisers, who provide advice in teams
at the regional level. The Adviser has reliable and most current information on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, also in regard to financial support of the investment.

{slider Where to find an Adviser?}

Advisers may be contacted via e-mail and telephone. Contact details to advisers operating in the given voivodeship are provided, amongst others, on the website /in the tab (to be completed) and on websites of individual Project Partners. An on-site consultation is possible at an agreed date and location. Advisers are also present during industry events, in particular events organized within the Project (training, workshops, conferences).

{slider Who does the Adviser assist?}

The Project is available for all persons interested in low-emission economy, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources i.e. individual, enterprises, the public sector and the residential sector.

{slider How much does the advice cost?}

Consultancy within the Project is free of charge. The project is financed in 100% from the 2014-2020 OPI&E, I Priority Axis „Decarbonization of the economy”.

{slider Why is it worth it to contact an Adviser?}

An Adviser is, first of all, a reliable source of current information and knowledge on low-emission economy, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The scope of consultancy is very wide, from support for municipalities in the preparation and implementation of Low-Emission Economy Plans through professional advice concerning possibilities to finance investments and educational & promotional activities.

{slider Can the Advisor come to the investment location?}

The consulting process generally does not require visits at sites of investments being the subject of aid funds. A decision on visiting the investment site should be based on project assessment by the Adviser, and joint arrangements between the Investor and the Adviser. A visit at the site is free of charge.

{slider How does the Adviser participate in the investment process?}

The Adviser’s participation in the investment process has supporting and consulting nature. A practical goal of the Energy Consultancy Project is aid for the potential investor in the area of:
Analysing planned investment projects in terms of possibility to obtain support from aid funds;
Selection of available aid funds to financially close the undertaking;
Defining technical and formal conditions of obtaining financing;
Defining the potential for energy savings, improvement of efficiency, and benefits from these solutions;
Possibilities and benefits from the use of renewable energy sources (RES) as an alternative for conventional solutions;
Assistance in preparation of documentation for the aid funds application.
Thus, for effective support of the project, cooperation between the Adviser and the Investor should last as from the moment of his interest in financing with aid funds, through the main stages of the executed investment process, until effective submission of the financing application.

{slider What is an energy audit?}

An energy audit is a tool defining the scope as well as technical and economic parameters of a thermal upgrade undertaking, with an indication of the optimal solution, in particular from the point of view of the costs of executing such an undertaking and energy savings, simultaneously constituting assumptions for a construction project - the Act of 21 November 2008 on supporting thermal upgrading and renovations (Journal of Laws no. 233, item 1459).

{slider Does the Adviser prepare the audit?}

The Adviser does not prepare the energy audit. Within the scope of free consultancy, he may only review the energy audit submitted by the potential investor.

{slider Why are audits conducted?}

The goal of the audit is to define the quantity and the structure of consumed energy, and a recommendation on optimal solutions (technical, organizational and formal) along with defining their profitability.

{slider What is an LEEP?}

The LEEP defines strategic and detailed goals of striving for low-emission economy at the local level. The main objectives include: raising energy efficiency, raising the share of RES in the energy mix, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

{slider Where can comments to the LEEP be submitted?}

Comments to a draft or updated LEEP should be submitted at the local Municipal Office.

{slider Who can submit comments to the LEEP?}

Comments may be submitted by residents and local producers and entrepreneurs.

{slider Does the Adviser complete the application for financing?}

The Adviser does not prepare the application for financing. Within the scope of free consultancy, he may provide information serving to complete the application by the applicant.



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